Training Camps and Seminars
Download Class Registration and send with check to reserve your spot!
Puppy Manners & Obedience (Ages 12 wks to 5 mths)
6 WEEKS/ $150.00/ 45 Min
One of the most important things you can do for your puppy is start off with a good foundation. Not only should this include proper socialization but a good solid bond with your dog. This class will teach you the proper skills needed to train manners and obedience.
Is your puppy play biting, chewing, digging, and jumping? We will cover managing these normal behavioral problems as well as basic obedience skills including sit, down, stay, stand and come. This is a fun packed class
including games and a puppy obstacle course.
Family Dog Obedience I (Ages 5 mths and up)
6 WEEKS/ $150.00/ 45 Min
To perform a wanted behavior a dog must first learn it and know when to apply it. This class will teach you how to effectively communicate with your dog applying positive and fun methods.
Basic skills will include but are not limited to: Sit, down, stand, back, stay, recalls, finishes and walking nicely on a leash. We will incorporate games, rally and limited pre-agility to have some fun while instilling these skills. A trained dog makes a good family member.
uppy & Family Doggie Tune-up (Ages 4 mths and up)
Pre-requisite (Puppy or Obedience Level I from our school)
This is a fun geared session to keep your obedience fresh, work on needed skills, and continue your teamwork with your dog. Classes will be private to semi private. We will cover basic skills, behavioral problems and have some fun with pre-agility and or rally obedience. A great way to continue your obedience without the commitment of a class. Must have completed a Puppy Manners or Family dog Obedience class. Classes scheduled by appointment.
SpringTime Manners 3 WEEKS/ $75.00/ 45 Min
This is a fast paced three week course in reviewing basic skills and covering behavioral issues. Great for people with limited time. Not only will we cover obedience but also add some fun in teaching a few pre-agility skills as well.
Therapy Dog Preparation Class (Ages 1 yr and up)
– To Be Announced
Therapy dogs bring joy and comfort to many people old and young. If you have a dog that loves to make people
smile or loves to comfort people in hard times, maybe being a therapy dog is the answer. We will offer a 6 week course that introduces students and dogs to simulated conditions and proper etiquette for visiting nursing homes, hospitals and other places where therapy dogs can be of service.
1. The course will prepare you and your dog for taking a test to be a therapy dog.
2. The dog that will be training for therapy visits must meet the following requirements:
- Be at least a year old
- Have basic obedience training
- Therapy dogs are healthy and well groomed
3. Your dog will practice performing the excercises required for taking a therapy dog test. These
- Accepting a friendly stranger
- Sitting politely for petting
- Walking on a loose lead
- Walking through crowds
- Sit and down on command and staying in place
- Coming when called
- Reacting to another dog
- Reacting to distractions
- Supervised separation
We will schedule a Therapy Dog International test by a qualified tester following the 6 week session. It will take place on a weekend. You will not be required to take the test at that time if you do not feel that you and your dog are ready. There is a fee for taking the thera
py dog test which is not included in the cost for the class.
Reliable Recall – Private Session
$45 / 45 Min
Have you ever watched on owner who’s dog comes every time he’s called, and wish you could get the same response from your dog? You can achieve the same thing. It’s easier than you think, register for our Reliable Recall Class today!
Senior Canine Enrichment Class – To Be Announced
These classes are designed to give your frosty faced friends (7 years or older) or dogs with mobility challenges a relaxed environment to learn new and exciting ways to keep them mentally sharp and active. We will be taking activities and modifying them to meet their specific abilities. These classes will include scent games, simple course work, fun puzzles and games to help provide mental and physical fun your aging best friend. This will be about having fun and spending time together. Please feel free to ask questions. We can touch on subjects like: massage, behavioral issues and where to find additional help if needed.
Private Behavioral Consultation & Training (All ages)
Length and cost based on an individual basis with your trainer
Is your time limited for classroom schedules or you need that one on one? We offer private consultations and training sessions in which we design a program with solutions for your dog. Sometimes just a touch of outside coaching can help make a better family companion. We are dedicated to helping people incorporate their dogs into their family so there is harmony in the home place. With our team of professional dog trainers we can meet your needs whether a family pet needing some help or advance instruction needed one on one for competition.